Better Measurement of Productivity Leading to Better Appreciation for Higher Education
March 18, 2018
Eduсаtiоnаl Technology аnd Sсiеnсе – A Perfect Fit
August 25, 2018We know from time to time, many programs have become a part of our educational platform and so digital literacy is one such concept. It has changed the education pattern in and around India and to make it better many modified versions are being launched.
The expert says the main purpose of launching so many concepts into the system is to easily present ways for gathering useful information. It has become the sustainable sign of education not only in India but on different parts of the world as well. In India even today we know when student have a project to do, what they does is depend on some outdated books for information. Eventually, these concepts should be changed and must be forced or served with resources that support updated information gathering from internet. The studies reveal that India is not at all starving from technology but it lacks the capability to use those stuffs efficiently.
If we go back to some years, we may understand that the country didn’t have proper internet connection facility and that has reflected in the educational standard as well. So let us see the changes below:
- Now communication has become really simpler and so children are able to interact much conveniently in real time. At the beginning children didn’t have any idea to collaborate resources effectively in a project, but now things have changed. As an instance, with the lack of communication channel, children were not able to track the activities of their friends or reach out to the teachers during the vacation time. But now, it has become so easy to communicate through internet applications, phone calls etc. In advanced institutions the students are encouraged to use even the work management software’s by the teachers. And so, advanced results can be seen in most of the projects.
- We know the structure of technology is changing and that too in lightning speed. So in whatever publications of the school, it has become possible to include all contents even on a monthly or yearly basis. Another dramatic change that has been seen happening in India is, increasing number of school children depending on the internet for information especially in doing assignments.
- The foremost topic that is subjected to discussion is the increasing percentage of the online learning. Now the world is more concentrating on the skill based jobs and so as a result, acquiring skills has become more important than having a degree. May be this has set demanded importance for digital marketing, web development etc. People are ready to pay and access the online courses. Apart from that some platforms offer free learning materials. All this advancements are making a progression in the industry from time to time.
- With the digital interference in the education system lots of new job opportunities are showing up. At the same time many jobs are becoming outdated too. Therefore if you are not encouraging the younger generation to move with the advancement of the world, the outcome may not be that good. So try to educate the children regarding those advancements and give them good resources as well. In every respect internet has crossed the traditional educational system and so students themselves have a better view of career planning as well.
- The modernization of the technology used in schools is a very big thing. One of such revolutionary step is the digital boards at the classroom. This made it easy for the students to relate the words to the graphics and thus advancing their own learning skills.
- We know everyone have a different learning style. It is possible for someone to learn without much effort, but the majority enjoys learning through games. So with digital platform the process of simplifying the educational material has become possible. May be all of these system has made it possible for the students to understand the learning behavior of teachers too.
Internet has really made things easy for the students to showcase their knowledge in a more effective way. This has really opened up opportunities for students from different backgrounds and thus equalising the advancements merely based on the skills alone. And so this made billions to follow the logic offered by the internet.