Aligned Participation of Technology and Human Supervision for wiping away the Security Alarm at School
February 5, 2017
Tracing the Reasons for Increasing Student Dropout Rate and It Impact on World Economy
February 26, 2017Learning is obviously an acquired skill and so the influence of society is very much greater. If we intrude into the casual activities of our kids it can really make all of us thoughtful. For instance, observe them in the garden. They may give life to soil, exploring insects, earthworm, planting seeds and eagerly waiting for it to grow up. Their surprises can bring us out of the closed circuit and make us think beyond the dirt factor in soil. In a way without any professional thought they are educating themselves on environmental science, exploring nature and even putting them into problem solving phases, all with flair of naturalness.
So, what about a professional participation in exaggerating such talents? Now, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) is considered as an early step for carving a better future for today’s children. It gives a nation an extravagant resource of technological expertise candidate, who can fulfill their own nation’s demand. Even though this concept has become very much popular, the scarcity of trained teachers is keeping the children inaccessible from such exposures. So even now, there are millions of children who lack proficiency on such concepts. Advocates are working behind STEM to make the best use of it but still the communication barrier is causing more issues.
Misconceptions about STEM
Many researches are going behind the screen to make this concept reachable to a wider group of people. But the misunderstanding about the concept is discouraging people from getting open to STEM. The main issue is that people always consider learning as hierarchical method and so they expose the children initially on writing, reading etc. In STEM, science, technology, engineering and math are being introduced first to the kids. In many cases parents think that they can’t introduce their kids to STEM education first with the fear that they can’t digest it at an early age. But that is totally a misconception and checking the history can expose the real truth.
Making the concept clear to the public
1) Like in any other concept, the fear of acceptance can be considered as a common factor. So here we must understand the correct approach that can make people accept this new technology. According to the research studies conducted, it has been revealed that presenting it as a tactic for taming the future demands and thus understanding the prosperity it can bring over to the society can be the best idea This kind of approach can initiate the interest towards the STEM.
2) Understand the drawback in accessing the technology. The scarcity of availability is the main disadvantage of the concept. With some kids the accessibility to the resources will be plenty. They have openness to museums, play areas, schools, libraries etc. But there are thousands of children who do not have accessibility to such resources. They might be live in midst of poverty and so the thought of education will be totally blank. But anyhow educative talks regarding STEM can make them understand the relevancy and so presenting samples with the changes through introducing the technology to people can make them understand the discrepancies.
3) The importance of explaining the concept is very much important in educating the public on the right way. So for that advocates can set real life examples. This can make people realize regarding the justice with introducing experiments in learning rather than working merely on brushing ups memory.
4) The concept of connecting life issues with learning is another competitive factor. It gives integrated relationship between the social and scientific life of the people. This kind of presentation can give clear insight regarding the STEM concept. Even this reveals the fact that just like children grab excellence in language, they tame the proficiency in STEM learning as well.
Many countries are lacking technically skilled people on their workforce side and so are in a phase of depending on other countries that have lot of such resources. Recently in US a ban of H1b visa is considered as a first step for encouraging technical resources in their own countries. So definitely this can give a better side to STEM education as this can possibly cover the scarcity currently faced on the technical workforce.