Top Things to Look for When Buying Your School Management System
May 5, 2021
Virtual Classroom- All You need to Know
June 5, 2021Corona, the latest vast pandemic all over the world. The whole universe is suffering without having a good solution and without having a permanent method to get rid of this. It affected all sections of the countries. But the damage to the education system is vast. Children lost their education for more than 15 months.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”-Nelson Mandela
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”-Benjamin franklin
Famous quotes, express the value of education. So; as soon as possible it is very important to move to a good method to restart the education.
As we have to stay homes in these critical times, we can walk at the digital school system. It is the best option for the school community. Here a new concept is been rising among schools. It is school management software. All children, parents, teachers, and the school staff can connect with this and restart their work. Three groups benefit from this school management software. Students, school community, and parents.
The mission of a school community must be to enrich children’s education. Because of the pandemic, the teachers failed to cover the syllabus. Children are unable to pass to the next level as they couldn’t face the exams.
School management software daily updates school works. The teachers can schedule the syllabus. They can decide what they teach tomorrow and add relevant homework and upload it to the website. And also they can allocate time to the grades and teach them online. And also another facility is they can correct children’s homework and tell them about their mistakes on the spot.it is very practical and this creates a school similar background to children. Friend, teacher all are at the same time.so, this similar background helps to work happily during the class and also to uplift children mental status.
Good software can maintain the database. So, the school community can set up to preserve huge data with a proper backup system. Admin can add; update the entire school data, student’s information, marks, student and staff attendance, and many more. You can adjust the backup for daily/weekly/monthly or annually. Maintaining a database is very useful as if you wanted to make a report for the previous 5 years, you have to take record books of every year and count them one by one. If the authority asks you to give it during a week, you have to get at least 3 workers to complete and pay them. But with this database system, it will only take 5-10 minutes to make a complete report for you even for 20 years. So, you can save your time, energy, and pocket. Good school management software protects the security of the databases. So no worries about changing or destroying data, otherwise they do not allow to consume the database for all. Only the admin has permission to go through it. Not only for making reports, are these databases very valuable in an emergency .then we do not want to go here and there finding information. This saves our time.

This method is very beneficial to parents also. When schooling the presence of the guardians for parents meeting is not at a good level. Some children don’t call parents and some parents do not like to attend these meetings. Some parents don’t know even who their child’s teacher is. But with this system, the software gives an ID and a passcode for all parents and students. One is differing from another. So, they can’t see other student’s records. They can see only their record. So, parents can enter the website using the id and the passcode. They can see their child’s progress. He does not want to worry as others can’t see his children’s progress. So, if the child is good they can be happy about it and if he is poor, they can personally talk with the teacher and bring his level up. As a result of this, a strong bond between parents and teachers will be built. As the children are learning to stay at home, the parents can assure their protection in this critical condition. Parents can stay with the children and pay attention to them, their studying way, how they study, are they clever and so on things as they do not get this offer in schooling and they have no a clear idea about what they learn and how they learn. So, this is a chance to research their child.
The most benefitted group is children. As the website daily updates, their school works, children can give their ID and passcode and enter the system. None disturb them. Individually the child can learn the lessons, which is more effective. If they like to an indoor study, they can be at the house, but if they like outdoor study, they can go out and study feeling the nature. They can stay at home and continue their studies safely. And walk to their goals.no need to use added tools. You can use any browser like chrome, Mozilla Firefox, internet explorer, etc. Students can access using a mobile app. install it on smartphones and learn from being anywhere. They have to work on time. So, they used to adapt to time management is as they have more extra time as now the time for transport has been saved to them. As there are low price packages you may not want to pay a lot of money for learning. And also coins for transport, intervals, and celebrations have been saved in the pocket. I propose you spend the free saved time to follow a diploma in another field. And also you can do a part-time job and design your future.
“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself”- Chinese proverb
So, you are the designer of your life.
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”-Mahatma Gandhi
Good luck with a happy journey.