How to Effectively Monitor Student Progress and Provide Feedback in Virtual Classroom Environment
January 24, 2021
Web Schools: The Modern Platform to Upgrade and Reform Education
February 27, 2021Digitalization in every segment of life is improving every day. Regardless of financial and social differences, mobile devices have replaced most of the pen and paper fun. One such segment with constantly rising tech is education. Classrooms are the new clusters of software that experiments with the latest tools and gadgets. After all, who wouldn’t like to learn its style?
In order to make the learning process more productive, education technology has emerged with designs for analyzing, developing, and implementing new materials in more interesting ways of teaching. This has indeed turned into a peaked market point for the very reason. Let’s look at some of the trends. Also referred to as instructional technology, it indulges in logical, scientific and aptitude level reasoning in application levels. It takes extensive steps to get the students a lot higher than baking soda volcanoes!
1. The STEM benefits- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics are regarded as more concrete subjects in education, therefore requiring more assistance from educational software. To run a DNA code or math theorem, tech aid substantially improves the students.
2. Keep it private- Privacy is one of the many concerns when it comes to receiving assistance from technology. There is software available now that comprises personal spaces for students where they can record their studies. Cybersecurity is a real concern.
3. ‘Flipped learning’- A deductive method of sorts, this particular model of education is completely in contrast with traditional education. The children learn through instructive picturesque videos, which they could watch even at home, and they are subjected to application-level questions, which they could solve in little groups inside the class, under the teacher’s guidance.
4. Virtual vs. Reality- Virtual education enables the children to learn their subjects from anywhere inside or outside the classroom, opening up new possibilities for them. The teachers should be aware of all the latest gadgets for virtual education, prompting the children to learn from an experimental and example- led approach, and for that, the teachers must have an adequate amount of digital literacy.
5. In-contact tech- Not only the children and staff but the visitors could also be given wearable technology in order to trace their whereabouts inside the institution. This ensures the safety of everyone in an institution’s boundary. A little wrist band can prevent endless paper waste of bills in the cafeteria.
6. Games training- a game-oriented curriculum makes it much more interesting for the students to learn their lessons from basics to the complex. Be it smaller grade math sums to higher grade complex theories, if instilled into the students’ brains through games and puzzles, will capture quicker and with a greater effect. The end rewards are always a sweet bonus!
7. Parent- Teacher – The communication between teachers and parents improve drastically with the help of Ed Tech. The parents will be more aware of the child’s progress, whereabouts and safety. The teachers can converse with parents about their child with proper data analysis recordings. Also, they can give notice if at all anything is happening for the children’s interest and improvement. Media stimulated channels will be a good business in schools.
8. Open sources for educators- Sites and sources for the information and training of teachers are a good channel for business. They would be guided on how to create videos and flow presentations to teach their children using technology.
9. Artificial Intelligence- AI is no longer an unusual word in our world. Not just as academic guidance, but also for the administrative side, artificial intelligence serves a great purpose. The element of automation is deemed to be useful in all the areas in an educational institution right from charting out the timetable to ensuring the safety of the children in many ways.
10. Paperless Era- Textbooks made out of paper is now almost gone since it can be distributed among children as text documents, images, animations or videos- definitely saving a lot of trees! The economy here lies in the web stores or channels where you would attract students with study materials made available online. Even if there’s an update in the syllabus, it can easily be made possible thus.
11. Virtual Reality- VR Headsets, which were primarily launched for entertainment, is now being circulated widely for learning. It gives access from a teacher to his students for lesson planning, application thinking, homework puzzles, etc. Unlike other enhancements that make learning easy, this one also makes teaching easy as a pie.
12. Analysis Tech- At the end of the day, everything needs to be tallied and in the register. The revenue received by analysis and inventory software is huge in educational institutions. Since the majority of the work is done with tech-aids, an analysis technology combined with it will keep the board acknowledged and informed of everything at any time. The analysis tech also helps in assessing the ability and progress of children up to humane limits.
13. Social Media- Facebook and Instagram are being used as study spaces recently, forming groups to share information and study-related topics. Teachers and parents support this positive and informative use of social media and even take part in group activities that encourage their children/students to follow their field of interest.
Though tech and media are often criticized for having an adverse effect on children, it could prove to be beneficial and instructive, if it is programmed for the children’s educational purposes. Full-time programs are now being available online for academic courses and its requirements prove that education technology is the backbone of this and the future eras.