Increased Internet Usage of Younger Generation: Mitigating the Risks and Promoting the Responsibility with Digital Safety Measures
February 17, 2018
Better Measurement of Productivity Leading to Better Appreciation for Higher Education
March 18, 2018Research is always a part of better education and so it is happening all around world from diverse sector. We know today millions of students who are from low income family are losing many opportunities or are at the risk of low income in the future. As per the report generated by renowned institution, it is really injustice to set a schooling system without learning and so resulting in losing the development opportunities for the children.
Education should be a promise of nation to its younger generation
We know education becomes the right decision, only when learning is added to it seriously. May be learning is important to grab the opportunities at the right point and thus gain prosperity in life. The sad fact is that even after spending many years in the school, children from the underprivileged community fails to read or write property. And so as a result, this thing is widening the gap in the society, rather than its real purpose of narrowing the social gap. The younger generation, who are under the difficulties of poverty and other life conflicts, even fail to get the basic skills in their life.
Let us see some of the general tips that can ensure learning as the core part of education
1. Always keep learning are a measurable goal
The truth is that not all schools of the developing countries have the metrics to measure the learning system at the primary and lower primary levels. The worst is not even half of the schools administer it and may be some master it just for name sake. When a well designed learning system is administered, this can help in assessing the teacher student performance, upgrade the management performance and improve the focus of the society towards education.
2. Start the effort of schooling at a much early stage
Make sure that a clear field is set for student’s brain development through proper nutrition, so that the child becomes ready to start learning at the right stage. All the teachers must be qualified and regular training should be given as a part of refreshing their skills. Suppose a new system is introduced to teaching, take the opportunity and make it reachable to the children. Never stick with the traditional education system, rather than move on with the trend of the system and it demands. The technologies should not be kept at a par from teachers, instead make them get used with those and so let it reach to the children through them. May be such move can be beneficial to the management and overall functioning of the schools.
3. Resources must be provided for mobilizing the skills
To whoever has access to the learning, resources must be induced for mobilizing them. For that use of data and metrics, this increases accountability and the political power can be used at the best for exploring those opportunities. It is best to keep up the participation of the stake holders, and this should be ensured from design to implementation.
One of the real facts is that the developing countries are at distance from providing learning. Some of the countries won’t or may not have resources to invest on education. Anyhow whenever investing, make sure they do it with right sense. Other thing is that when investing many things should be taken into account, primarily the resources, demanding population, the assisting resources etc. Again it is difficult to induce proper education without the participation of the government or the assisted body. At the same time when the government decides to deliver “education to all” the goal becomes easier to achieve.
When education is given properly to the younger generation, it simply makes life more meaningful. We know education creates employment opportunities, eradicate poverty, healthier life and better earning as well. At the same time the effectiveness of learning depends on quality of the school and its overall resources.
We should understand, the society that fails may be the one who are truly indeed of good education. So let us foster a system that welcomes and provide better learning services. It is best to see a society that flourish with proper education and forming a better future, overcoming other limitations.