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December 9, 2019
Gamification in Education: Why Should Games be Incorporated in the Everyday Learning Regime?
March 28, 2020To live in the digital era gives you the best of times and the worst of times. There is no scope of life untouched by modernization and digitalization. For a student aspiring to reach the stars, the time is young and propitious.
The previous generation was restricted to knowledge confined within the binds of books. Education in the past was “expensive”- it needed investments in the form of time, energy and resources. Even after such severe expenditure, often, the answers found were incomplete or irrelevant. The digital era came as a solution to such troubles of the past. Digital literacy brought about a different approach to looking for questions and finding answers. It involves the optimal utilization of the technological edge offered by the current century.
What is Digital Literacy
American Library Association (ALA) Digital Literacy Task Force (2013). ALA Task Force releases digital literacy recommendations.
The influence of education and knowledge grip every walk of your life; it comes down to understanding the world around you in lights that go beyond your vision. From how a sapling takes life to how a clock ticks, every little information bolsters your advantage to survive and succeed. Literacy transcends beyond the individual to the community and shapes a society capable of contributing to humanity.
Digital Literacy is defined as “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills” (The American Library Association). It is not limited to such fundamental capabilities as texting, tweeting and vlogging. To be deemed a “digitally literate” individual, you have to be more hybrid and flexible. The influence of digital literacy in everyday life can be witnessed everywhere; in
- the thriving communities of e-learning apps
- Online tests & tutorials
- Distance education
- Chatbots to learn new languages
- Advanced DIY ideas ( Did you know that you can make a hologram with just a bottle full of water and your laptop?)
- Exploring the surface of planets and moons.
Its scope is diverse and virtually infinite.
Will digital literacy replace the dominant model?
Traditional modes and means of education are fast being replaced by digital learning. The reason for this shift is the burgeoning sense of imbalance in the former model.
- Expense and Access: Education in the past was shackled to chains of excessive financial requirements. From the number of books to costs of enrollment, education in traditional classroom modes are still inaccessible to many sectors of the society.
- Authenticity: The most profound feature of digital literacy is the ability to inquire and exchange data and information. In traditional models of learning, knowledge is imparted through figures installed as authorities of concerned subjects.
- Cross-reference and reading: In the digital arena information and knowledge are accessed directly from authentic sources; this encourages you to doubt out loud. The doubts lead you to texts and hyperlinks- there begins the real journey into the incredible abyss of the world’s wisdom.
The True Scope of Digital Literacy
- Education for all: Digital literacy doesn’t discriminate between class, race or gender. It opens avenues for everyone to explore and educate themselves. Access to the Internet has paved the way for those categories of people who were once denied the right to education. Oblivion is no longer a concept, because the information is at your fingertips, a click away.
- Lowers the stress of learning: A fascinating aspect of digital literacy is the interactive style of teaching. Gone are the days of monotonous pedantic paradigms as technology brings audio-visual multimedia models of presentation. This not only engages the interests of the learner but also helps them efficiently grasp and retain the information.
- Digital Collaboration: Connecting the world is faster than ever with the cyber facilities of the decade. This has much scope in enabling and expanding academic exchanges and collaborations. Students across the globe can overcome the boundaries set by languages and location and actively engage in creative collaborative efforts.
- Global Imprint: Groundbreaking innovation made by a student in one part of the world is quickly disseminated across the globe carrying the core essence, purpose and motivation with it.(e.g: MarinaTex. A student’s movement could leave such a global imprint owing to the part played by technology in digital literacy). The learner’s thus become participants in activities that help shape the future using the knowledge and skills acquired through digital exchange.
Digital Literacy in Everyday Learning
- For students, digital learning has made information lightweight. Notes and data are stored in folders and files accessible within seconds from anywhere.
- Interaction and exchange and ideas have become more productive. The past struggles related to time, presence and medium are invalid in the digital space and reality.
- Students have access to “digital tools” from various sources to troubleshoot errors. Problem-solving is manageable by the self-using data available online.
- Students have limitless opportunities to make various academic pursuits like distance learning, attending examinations, digital conference and paper presentation.
The Flip Side
Anything good also has a bad face lurking within. When it comes to digital education, it boils down to social alienation. Excessive dependence on digital media makes you increasingly asocial; you forget the etiquettes and even a desire to make bonds in the physical world. Human beings need direct social exchanges to form and cultivate a healthy psychological state. Estrangement from the real world could push you to potholes of depression and anxiety.
Another problem is the creation of a lazy generation. Feeding on the shortcuts offered by the digital media, you show the tenacity to look for the easy way out. The competition in the field is another reason for anxiety. You ought to be constantly learning and always updated on all the current trends and changes to keep pace with the time.
The pervasive nature of digital literacy is undeniable. Yet, the current educational systems haven’t explored or exploited its true potential. Digital learning moves further than the fundamental steps such as digitalization of classrooms with e-leaning screens but ponder the incorporation of digital education as a core subject.
For a better future, we should let our children know beyond what’s written in the books.