All You Need to Know About Cloud Computing
July 4, 2021
How does Technology Help to Uplift Education
August 24, 2021Education systems were successfully run before the pandemic, but within the corona pandemic, the world stopped for a moment. The government had to close schools. Some have been closed for over a year. Some have been closed yet. That affected the children’s education very badly. All were suffering and looking for the best solution for this issue.
What is school management software?
Very popular software in the educational niche.it is an educational product; exclusively a good method to go across this pandemic.it has various features to support for uplift this software.
What has been contributed to becoming popular with this software in the educational niche?
- The features in web school ERP have been helped to uplift the software: The whole school administration is under one roof. This web school ERP fulfills all requirements for students, teachers, and guardians. Everybody can work with this. It has prepared me to teach and learning very smartly.
Teachers can take attendance of students, view salary details, apply for leave, circular details, news feeds, and much more. Students/guardians can view attendance, request leave, homework, timetable, exam reports, online fee payment, and library details. - Unlimited courses and batches: There are a large number of courses. Here you have the opportunity to join with your desired course. There are divisions, sub-divisions. So, a large count can join in once. You never get this chance in a traditional classroom. As the count becomes limited, by comparing with its space. There are unlimited batches. So, if you couldn’t join with the started batch. No worries, you can join with the other batch. And also this gives to access student details by entering details regarding the course and academic year.
- Accessibility through smartphones: This will be a great sound for the children who have not any computer or laptop or tablet. Web-School ERP has been launched as a mobile app to the play store. If you were waiting without any desktop or laptop to continue your studies, it is over now. Quickly download the mobile app to your smartphone. Then you have the access to anytime, anywhere. This is available for android and IOS. You can download the app from the Google play store or app store.
- Unlimited users: There is no limited count for users. Unlimited count for students, admins, guardians, and teachers available here. They give you an ID and passcode for access to this software.
- Cost-cutting: When comparing with the traditional classroom, web school ERP adjusts our budget. This saves our cost for traveling snacks and smacks.
- Time savings: When I am learning, my main problem was traveling time. Because of the road traffic, I had to spend about 2 hours traveling at one time. Total is 4 hours. Not only me, but many students also face this problem. Some decide to stay in hostels, boarding houses to prevent this time-wasting. This staying is good for saving time. But with that, you have to pay an extra cost for the boarding /rent house. But, with the web school ERP, you can stay in your place, it might be your house, and continue your learning without any time-wasting and any cost for boarding or rent a house.
- Certify safety: In this pandemic season, it is very dangerous to go out; you have to daily travel to your traditional classroom to learning. But school management software stays you at home and justifies you and your lovelies’ safety.
- Attraction to the new smell: This web school’s ERP, school management software is something new to the children. It is very fantastic than the traditional classroom. The traditional classroom is little a bit boring with the same routine and style. But this technology blended education is something new smell, not only the children but also the elders like it a lot.
- User-friendly interface: The interface is very user-friendly. Not only for students, but it is also familiar to anyone. It is enriched with familiar features and helps to improve user experience.do no want advanced knowledge to use this.
- Smart dashboard: Very easy to identify the features. If you are a student you can upload your smart photo as your profile picture. And also your batch and group appear on it. Your institution name and location shows in your profile. Your attendance, timetable, assignments, fees, exams available there.
- Lesson planning: Teachers can plan the lessons and notify children. Then they will stay with the lesson.
- Exams: This publishes exam management details about exam schedules, syllabuses, reports, etc.
- Assignments and notes: These have been allocated for each batch.
- Certifications: They have already created templates for the certification.
- Task manager: Allocates duties to the teachers and students
- Fees: The fee is allocated in a bulk manner to individual student or batch
- Circular module: The software creates notices and reminders using this circular module.
- Human resource maintenance: The whole of the employee details can be efficiently maintained in a single portal. Class allocations, job profiles, and grades of teaching can be accessed here
And also there are specific modules for payroll, leave management, finance, accounting, academic calendar, exam hall arrangement, occurrence register, student/ employee/guardian login/student withdrawal, promotion and alumni, placements, student/ employee import/to-do list, notice board. And also premium modules are available for library, transport, hostels, SMS alerts, email system, store management, data export, online examination, visitor management, online student registration, custom reports, and event management.
Extra: modules for payment gateway integration, vehicle tracking integration are also available. And also you have the opportunity to access this software with a Google account by single sign-on option.
So, this is the best way to stop “pause learning”
As a result of the pandemic, the authorities had to close schools. When the effect of the pandemic was decreasing, they opened the schools but have to close than the opening speed.so, children had to break their schooling in many times. What was the result? Only learning becomes boring. But fortunately, children can move to the school management software and continue their nonstop learning because now none can stop the learning process.